

Honoring Those Who Have Served

By: Taylor McPherson, Director of Communications & Community Engagement

We hold our veterans in the highest regard, as they have willingly made the ultimate sacrifice time and time again. A broad number of our own teammates who are veterans have given of themselves – their time, energy and services – to protect not only their loved ones, but our country’s freedom.

Alpha Omega Veterans Services, Inc. (AOVS) has been an unsung hero in the lives of veterans for more than 30 years. Their services assist veterans with reintegration into society, often after achieving recovery and rehabilitation from debilitating mental and physical conditions.

Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, this non-profit was born out of a mother’s deep love for her two sons, who were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after returning from Vietnam as changed men. After their mother Ola Mae Ransom was unable to locate resources or services to help her sons, she took a leap of faith for the greater good and formed Alpha Omega.

Fast forward to present day and this non-profit has grown to service nearly 10,000 veterans over the years. With six locations and an array of programs ranging from permanent housing to transitional housing, the organization now has the capacity to house over 120 veterans, while providing counseling services to many more. These counseling services are offered to veterans on both an individual and group basis to deal with combat and service-related conditions such as anger management, substance abuse, combat stress, PTSD and other mental health disorders.

Most recently, Alpha Omega hosted their 15th Annual Golf Classic, honoring the losses our nation incurred on 9/11, as well as the mission of the non-profit to “Help Veterans Help Themselves.”

Are you wondering how you can get involved? Alpha Omega accepts donations through mail and also online. For just $40, your generous donation allows a veteran to receive a place to sleep, nutritional food, clothing and other quality-of-life-essentials, and access to Alpha Omega services.

The organization also accepts supplies donations, including medical items, cleaning supplies, kitchen/pantry items, and much more. To view several lists of items you can donate, click HERE.

Community members can also humbly donate their time through ongoing volunteer opportunities.

Our family of companies is honored to partner with incredible organizations who are doing their part to help those in need, both in and around our communities. We thank Alpha Omega Veterans Services, Inc. for touching lives and spreading hope. To the dozens of veterans who we are blessed to work with every day, we humbly thank you for your dedication and service to others.


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